Select your membership level below and then choose "Next" to continue completing your membership information. You will be asked to choose a payment method: check, credit card, or purchase order (PO). If paying with credit card, you can continue do so online; if paying with PO, choose "invoice me" when prompted to do so; if paying with check, please mail payment to:
South Carolina Association for Middle Level Education 225 Gardenwalk Drive West Columbia, SC 29170
Questions regarding membership or payment should be directed to Tina Jamison.
About us
The vision of South Carolina Association for Middle Level Education, the leading proponent for the education of young adolescents, is to serve as an advocate for quality middle level education; promote public awareness and create support; and provide quality member services.
Become a member
Join the growing list of middle level educators in South Carolina by signing up for active memberships in the only organization in SC devoted solely to middle level issues.